loged VS 千库网对比哪家好


Logoed. Logo inspiration for graphic designers.A place where we feature great logo designs, which will hopefully inspire you to create even better designs.There is more to a brand identity that just a simple logo though, so we are now looking to include more information about the general work in relation to logo, and create discussion around these brand identies.While this extra layer has been added the site core still keeps it’s original aim of creating a comprehensive library of logos for you to browse through at your ease.

千库网是国内提供PNG图片的素材先驱网站,经过1年多的高速发展,目前该网站不仅仅拥有500万优质PNG免抠元素,还有300万精品背景素材和700万模板素材。 获得超过百万设计师的喜爱和5000多家企业的信赖,网站定位致力于满足全国2000多万设计师素材下载的需求,为设计师提供优质的素材和服务。 千库网始终抱着“细节成就品质”的态度,通过全国各地的线下活动,丰富的奖励,无数个有趣的活动和话题,为设计师提供细致、真诚的关怀。 为了真正意义上实现“做设计不抠图、让设计师终止加班”,该网站专注于提供更多优质的免抠PNG元素,开发出很多公司认可的企业VIP,为设计师和企业节省更多成本和时间。